Destined only to win

Stepping into the unknown, Surfing new worlds of opportunities

Prophetess Heather Scantlebury

In Full-time Ministry a counselor, Business Advisor.

I worked in the oil industry for 16 years, married to Apostle Lynroy Scantlebury.

- Living my best life now.

Gifted Beyond Measure

The greatest eye-opener to assist men and women from failing to live with a purpose that will provide energy, might, strength and the power to achieve is getting a glimpse of the real you, so you can stop thinking failure and start thinking success.

No matter your circumstance in life, you are destined to succeed and to win.

All the more reason to really love and think well of yourself. Meet this challenge head-on, find the real you, and really enjoy getting to know that person. Its time to let the great you become great so that you can properly represent who you really are.

The Spotlight Network on Gifted Beyond Measure by Heather Hackett Scantlebury

Discover the real you with Heather Hackett-Scantlebury’s Gifted Beyond Measure. This transformative book is a powerful guide to unlocking your potential, embracing self-love, and living a life of purpose, energy, and strength.

"Switching Realities, Let's Make An Exchange"

August Edition of The House Of David Conference. Thursday 29 August 2024.

"The Great Ministry of LIGHT"

Special guest appearance Apostle Lynroy C. Scantlebury.

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